Bill Summaries: H103 (2011-2012 Session)

  • Summary date: Apr 13 2011 - View summary

    AN ACT TO CLARIFY REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO NOTICE, COLLECTION, AND REMOVAL OF MINERAL OIL DISCHARGES FROM ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. Summarized in Daily Bulletin 2/15/11 and 2/28/11. Enacted April 12, 2011. Effective April 12, 2011.

  • Summary date: Feb 28 2011 - View summary

    Amends proposed GS 143-215.85(c) to add that a person who owns or has control over mineral oil discharged from electrical equipment owned by a public utility as defined in GS 62-100 must also report the discharge within 24 hours to the appropriate regional office of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources when the discharge is at a distance of 100 feet or less from any surface water and contains 50 parts per million or more of polychlorinated biphenyls. Makes conforming changes.

  • Summary date: Feb 15 2011 - View summary

    Adds new subsection (c) to GS 143-215.85. Defines mineral oil as used in the proposed subsection to mean a light nontoxic liquid petroleum distillate typically used as a coolant and insulator in electrical equipment owned by a public utility. Requires a person who owns or has control over mineral oil discharged from electrical equipment owned by a public utility as defined in GS 62-100 to report the discharge within 24 hours to the appropriate regional office of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) when (1) the discharge exceeds 25 gallons or (2) the discharge is directly to surface water or causes a sheen on surface waters of the state. Provides requirements for the content of the notice of the discharge and permits delivery of the notification by phone, electronic mail, fax, or hand delivery. Makes conforming changes to GS 143-215.85.
    Adds new subsection (a2) to GS 143-215.84. Defines mineral oil as used in the proposed subsection to mean a light nontoxic liquid petroleum distillate typically used as a coolant and insulator in electrical equipment owned by a public utility. Directs a person having control over the discharge of mineral oil from electrical equipment owned by a public utility as defined in GS 62-100 to restore the affected area to the extent possible to the condition it was in before the discharge. Requires the person to notify DENR when the restoration has been properly completed if (1) the discharge exceeds 25 gallons or (2) the discharge is directly to surface waters or causes a sheen on surface waters. Provides additional criteria governing the cleanup of mineral oil and the protocol to be followed when cleanup within 24 hours of confirmation of the discharge is not possible. Makes conforming changes to GS 143-215.84(a).