Provides that the purpose of this legislation is to implement an enterprise-level data integration and analytics initiative (Initiative) across state government. Specifies that the Initiative is not intended to replace transactional systems. Directs that the coordination of the Initiative be led by representatives for each of the three branches of government: (1) the State Controller for the executive branch, (2) the Chief Justice for the judicial branch, and (3) the Legislative Services Commission for the legislative branch. Provides that the State Controller is to serve as the principal coordinating officer responsible for the Initiative. Provides additional guidelines regarding the leadership of the Initiative.
Establishes the Government Business Intelligence Competency (GBICC) in the Office of the State Controller (OSC). Directs that the GBICC assume the work, purposes, and resources of the current data integration effort in the OSC and authorizes the State Controller to make any organizational changes necessary to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the GBICC.
Directs the State Controller and GBICC to coordinate data requirements and usage for business intelligence applications across state government. Provides criteria governing the coordination process. Specifies actions to be taken by the GBICC.
Directs the head of each state agency, department, institution, and every political subdivision of the state; the Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina; the Community Colleges System office; and local boards of education to engage in mandatory data sharing with the State Controller. Provides procedural requirements upon failure of any entity to submit requested information to the State Controller.
Includes provisions regarding sensitive data/ security and maintaining confidentiality requirements. Provides that data not classified as a public record under GS 132-1 is not deemed a public record when incorporated into the data resources comprising the state’s business intelligence initiative. Makes a conforming change to GS 75-66(d) (regarding publication of personal information).
Authorizes the State Controller to release information gathered by the OSC and GBICC that is related to the business intelligence initiative, notwithstanding the provisions of the Public Records Act, to release information if the State Controller finds that such a release is in the best interest of the general public and not in violation of law or contract.
Divides the state government business intelligence initiative into three phases and specifies activities, goals, and objectives to be achieved in each phase.
Repeals Section 6A.20(b) of SL 2011-145, which pertains to the creation of the Data Integration Steering Committee (Committee). Directs that the purposes, duties, and resources of the Committee are to be assumed by the GBICC and that the Committee is to be created in the OSC and chaired by the State Controller. Provides criteria for appointing the voting members of the Committee, for the appointing of non-voting members serving in an advisory capacity, and for the filling of vacancies. Enumerates the duties and responsibilities of the Committee.
Directs the State Controller to submit a detailed progress report to the Joint Legislative Committee on Information Technology by September 1, 2012, and quarterly thereafter.
Appropriates an unspecified amount of dollars from the General Fund to the Office of the State Controller for the 2012-13 fiscal year and an unspecified amount of dollars from the Highway Fund to the Office of the State Controller for the 2012-13 fiscal year to fund the business intelligence initiative.
Effective July 1, 2012.
Bill Summaries: H1031 (2011-2012 Session)
Bill H 1031 (2011-2012)Summary date: May 21 2012 - View summary