AN ACT TO PROVIDE THE NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL ASSEMBLY SPECIAL POLICE WITH STATEWIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT JURISDICTION. Summarized in Daily Bulletin 3/9/11, 3/16/11, 3/17/11, 4/7/11, and 4/20/11. Enacted May 3, 2011. Effective May 3, 2011.
Bill Summaries: H316 (2011-2012 Session)
Bill H 316 (2011-2012)Summary date: May 4 2011 - View summary
Bill H 316 (2011-2012)Summary date: Apr 20 2011 - View summary
Senate amendment makes the following changes to 4th edition. Changes waiver of Legislative Services Commission rules by the Speaker of the House and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate from being applicable to any elected officer of either chamber to only applying to the House and Senate Sergeant-At-Arms.
Bill H 316 (2011-2012)Summary date: Apr 7 2011 - View summary
Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 3rd edition.
Adds a section amending GS 120-32.1(b), which directs the Legislative Services Commission (Commission) to post rules governing the use and maintenance of legislative buildings and grounds, to allow the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives to jointly waive in writing the application of any rule adopted by the Commission to any elected officer of either house of the General Assembly. Specifies that the waiver is a defense against prosecution for a violation of the rule, and the waiver does not extend past the member's current term of office. Directs a copy to be delivered to the Chief of the General Assembly Special Police.
Bill H 316 (2011-2012)Summary date: Mar 17 2011 - View summary
House amendment makes the following changes to 2nd edition.
Amends GS 120-32.2 to add that General Assembly Special Police will have the powers of police in cities, throughout the state, while serving a subpoena issued by the General Assembly. Adds a new section to make a conforming change to GS 120-19.2(d).
Bill H 316 (2011-2012)Summary date: Mar 16 2011 - View summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition.
The previous edition deleted most of the provisions of GS 120-32.2, and extended the authority of the General Assembly Special Police (Special Police) throughout the state. New edition restores the provisions of GS 120-32.2 and makes the following amendments. Grants the Special Police the powers of police in cities, throughout the state, while performing advance work for continuity of government planning and while performing other types of advance work, as specified. Adds that Special Police have the powers of police of cities, throughout the state, while conducting a criminal investigation or a threat of physical violence against the General Assembly, a member or staff, or their immediate family, and while accompanying a General Assembly member to provide executive protection in response to a threat of physical violence. Makes other clarifying changes.
Bill H 316 (2011-2012)Summary date: Mar 9 2011 - View summary
Amends GS 120-32.2 to extend statewide the authority of the General Assembly Special Police to arrest and take other investigatory actions related to any criminal offense.