Enacts new subdivision (12) to GS 7A-146, adding that the chief district judge has the power to designate a full-time magistrate to serve as chief magistrate for that county for an indefinite term and at the judge’s pleasure. Specifies that the power only applies to counties for which 20 or more magistrates are authorized and only if the chief district judge determines that a chief magistrate would be in the best interest of justice. Permits the chief magistrate, under derivative authority, to assign matters to magistrates and to prescribe times and places for the magistrates to perform their duties. Makes a conforming change. Amends GS 7A-171.1(a)(1) adding that the salary of a chief magistrate will include an additional amount equal to the difference in pay between a chief district court judge and other district court judges. Effective July 1, 2011.
Bill Summaries: H691 (2011-2012 Session)
Bill H 691 (2011-2012)Summary date: Apr 6 2011 - View summary