AN ACT TO ENACT THE SAFE STUDENTS ACT. Summarized in Daily Bulletin 4/7/11, 6/7/11, and 6/8/11. Enacted June 28, 2011. Effective June 28, 2011.
Bill Summaries: H744 (2011-2012 Session)
Summary date: Jun 30 2011 - View summary
Bill H 744 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 8 2011 - View summary
House amendment makes the following changes to 2nd edition.
Amends GS 130A-109 to clarify that school authorities may accept only competent and verifiable evidence as secondary proof of the age of children registering for school attendance. Provides that the evidence must specifically include, but is not limited to (1) a certified copy of any medical record of the child’s birth issued by the treating physician or the hospital where the child was born or (2) a certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a religious institution that maintains birth records of its members.
Bill H 744 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 7 2011 - View summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Deletes provision in previous edition concerning the requirement that a principal of a school at which a child first enrolls or transfers require the parent of such child to state whether the child is a citizen or a national of the United States, and if the child is not, the immigration status of the child.
Bill H 744 (2011-2012)Summary date: Apr 7 2011 - View summary
Amends GS 115C-364(c) to provide that the principal of any public school shall (was, may) require the parent or guardian of a child presented for admission to school for the first time to provide (1) a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate which was furnished by the register of deeds of the county having the record of the birth of the child on file or (2) other satisfactory evidence of the date of birth as provided in Article 4 (Vital Statistics) of GS Chapter 130A. Also directs the principal to require the parent or guardian to provide a certificate of immunization for the child as required by GS 130A-155.
Amends GS 130A-109 to provide that when it is not possible to obtain a certified copy of a child’s birth certificate, school authorities may accept as secondary proof of age, (1) a certified copy of any medical record of the child’s birth issued by the treating physician or the hospital in which the child was born or (2) a certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a religious institution that maintains birth records of its members.
Adds a new subsection (g1) to GS 115C-366 to direct the principal of the school to which a child is assigned upon first enrolling or transferring into a public school of a local school administrative unit (LEA) to require the parent to state whether the child is a citizen or a national of the US. Provides that if the child is not a citizen or national of the US, the parent must state the immigration status of the child. Prohibits the use of this information to deny school admission to a child who is domiciled in the LEA and provides that the information is used only for fiscal analysis.
Effective when the act becomes law and applies beginning with the 2011-12 school year.