House committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition.
Amends GS 143-215.94M to add four entities that must receive the report on leaking petroleum underground storage tank cleanup. Adds a section repealing GS 113A-35.1(b), which sets out the annual status report requirement for the management plan under GS 113A-35.1(a) on the segment of the New River. Adds a section amending GS 136-28.8(g) to modify a reporting requirement of the Division of Environmental Assistance and Outreach regarding recycled materials. Adds a section amending GS 159I-29(a) to add that the Office of State Budget and Management and the Division of Waste Management need not file a report if no funds are appropriated or available for loans under the Solid Waste Management Loan Program in that year. Makes conforming changes. Adds a section to add the Fiscal Research Division to the list of entities receiving the Biennial State of the Environment report in GS 143B-279.5.
Bill Summaries: H954 (2011-2012 Session)
Bill H 954 (2011-2012)Summary date: May 31 2012 - View summary
Bill H 954 (2011-2012)Summary date: May 16 2012 - View summary
Amends Article 9 (Solid Waste Management) of GS Chapter 130A to consolidate certain Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) reporting requirements under GS 130A-294(i). Directs DENR to report to additional specified bodies by January 1 (was, October 1) each year on the hazardous waste management program, as detailed. Effective December 31, 2017, amends GS 130A-294(i), as amended by this act, to modify several reporting requirements related to mercury reduction. Recodifies GS 130A-310.2(b) (notification to legislators about inactive hazardous substance or waste disposal site) as new subsection (a1) in GS 130A-310.10, and requires reporting before October 1 (rather than January 1) each year. Amends GS 143-215.94M to make the report required under the Oil Pollution and Hazardous Substances Control Act due November 1 (was, September 1) each year. Makes conforming changes.