AN ACT TO MAKE TECHNICAL, CLARIFYING, AND OTHER MODIFICATIONS TO THE CURRENT OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ACTS. Summarized in Daily Bulletin 6/27/12, 6/28/12, and 7/3/12. Enacted July 10, 2012. Effective July 1, 2012, except as otherwise provided.
Bill Summaries: S187 (2011-2012 Session)
Summary date: Jul 13 2012 - View summary
Bill S 187 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jul 3 2012 - View summary
Conference report recommends the following changes to 5th edition to reconcile matters in controversy.
Part I. General Provisions.
Decreases the reductions from the General Fund allocations to the Department of Commerce as follows: (1) reduces the reduction from the Rural Economic Development Center to $1,757,535 (was, $3,757,535) and (2) reduces the reduction from Commerce State Aid to $217,540 (was, $1,217,540) resulting in a total appropriation from the General Fund for Total Current Operations of $240,413,109 (was, $237,413,109).
Amends the amounts for General Fund availability used in adjusting the 2012-13 budget by increasing anticipated reversions and increasing the diversion of Golden L.E.A.F Funds. Makes conforming changes to adjust subtotals and revise the total General Fund Availability for 2012-13.
Amends Section 2.2(e) of SL 2011-145, as amended, to transfer $24,313,760 to the General Fund for the 2012-13 fiscal year from the annual installment payments to the North Carolina State Specific Account that would have been transferred to The Golden L.E.A.F. Inc.
Amends Section 5.3(d) of SL 2012-142 to direct that regardless of GS 18C-164(f) or any other provision of law, excess lottery receipts from the 2011-12 fiscal year in the amount of $32,133,641 (was, $25,588,370) are to be allocated for UNC Need-Based Financial Aid.
Part II. Education.
Deletes provision that repealed Section 7.18 (Budgeting of Position Allotments) of House Bill 950, 2012 Regular Session, if that act became law.
Amends Section 7.21(a) of SL 2011-145, as amended, to make the provision applicable for fiscal year 2012-13 (was, 2011-12) and to provide that regarding maximum flexibility for local school administrative units in the spending of state funds, including transfers of funds, for funds related to classroom teacher positions, the salary transferred must be based on the step corresponding to six years of experience on the “A” Teachers salary schedule (was, based on the first step of the Teachers salary schedule). Makes a conforming change to Section 7.18(b) of SL 2012-142. Limits application of this section to the 2012-13 fiscal year only. Provides that it is the intent of the General Assembly in subsequent fiscal years that all transfers of teacher and instructional support personnel positions be based on step zero of the “A” Teachers salary schedule.
Amends GS 115C-84.2 to provide that a school calendar is to include a minimum of 185 days or 1,025 instructional hours (was, a minimum of 185 days and 1,025 instructional hours). Deletes provision authorizing the State Board of Education to grant a waiver to a local board of education to use up to five of the required instructional days as teacher workdays. Makes additional conforming changes.
Provides that except for year round schools, the opening school date for students must be no earlier than the Monday closest to August 26 (was, no earlier than August 25), and the closing date for students must not be later than the Friday closest to June 11 (was, no later than June 10). Makes exceptions to the opening and closing requirements based on good cause, defied as meaning schools that have been closed eight days (was, also applied to schools closed for all or part of eight days) per year during any four of the last 10 years because of severe weather conditions, energy shortages, power failures, or other emergency situations.. Deletes the option of a waiver of this requirement for an educational purpose.
Amends GS 115C-238.53 (regarding Cooperative Innovative High School Programs) to provide that a program approved under Part 9 of GS 115C is to provide instruction for at least 185 days or 1,025 instructional hours each school year; however, provides that the requirements of GS 115C-84.2 do not apply to the school calendar of a program approved under Part 9.
Provisions in this section apply beginning with the 2013-14 school year.
Part III. Health and Human Services.
Deletes sections included in previous edition that made changes to provisions concerning the appropriation for READ NC; psychiatric beds; local health department initiatives; and Medicaid funding. Clarifies, in Section 10.23A(f) (Transitions to Community Living Initiative), that the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) may make the monthly payment from the $39,700,000 designated for implementation of the State’s plan, and makes other clarifying changes. Clarifies that Section 10.9F(c) (concerning Medicaid recipients eligible for personal care services) becomes effective January 1, 2013 (was, subsections (c) and (d)).
Part IV. Natural and Economic Resources
Repeals Section 13.12A (concerning the Biofuels Center of NC) of the Modify 2011 Appropriations Act. Adds sections to the Modify 2011 Appropriations Act to: appropriate $1 million for 2012-13 in nonrecurring funds to the Regional Economic Development Commissions; repeal Sections 13.13 (Rural Center/Rural Jobs Fund), 13.13A (Rural Economic Development Center), and 13.14A (Opportunities Industrialization Centers Funds); and allocate an additional $2 million for 2012-13 to the Rural Economic Development Center. Makes technical changes.
Part V. General Government
Makes a technical change.
Part VI. Transportation
Modifies the appropriation in Section 24.18(b) of the Modify 2011 Appropriations Act to redirect specified funds allocated to the Department of Transportation. Makes technical changes.
Part VI-A. Capital Appropriations
Adds an appropriation of $1,373,330 from the General Fund to the Department of Public Safety for the Greensboro Readiness Center Renovation and Expansion, as specified. Deletes amendment to Section 18.2 (federal grant matching funds) in the Appropriations Act of 2011.
Part VI-B. Salaries and Benefits
Adds new Section 25.5 to the Modify 2011 Appropriations Act to allow full-time, permanent state employees, who meet specified conditions, five additional days of annual leave, as detailed.
Makes additional technical and clarifying changes.
Bill S 187 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 28 2012 - View summary
House amendments 4, 5, and 6 make changes to the 5th edition. We will not be including a summary of the amendments. For the content of the amendments, please follow the link included in the bill’s short title above.
Bill S 187 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 27 2012 - View summary
House amendments 1 and 2 make changes to 3rd edition. We will not be including a summary of the amendments. For the content of the amendments, please follow the link included in the bill’s short title above.
Bill S 187 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 27 2012 - View summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to 2nd edition. Deletes all provisions of the previous edition and replaces them with AN ACT TO MAKE TECHNICAL, CLARIFYING, AND OTHER MODIFICATIONS TO THE CURRENT OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ACTS. We will not be including a summary of the committee substitute, which makes changes to House Bill 950, Modify 2011 Appropriations Act, if that bill becomes law. For the content of the committee substitute, please follow the link included in the bill’s short title above.
Bill S 187 (2011-2012)Summary date: Apr 6 2011 - View summary
Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Amends proposed GS 160A-300.1A to specify that it is unlawful for any person to operate a traffic control photographic system in this state for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of GS 20-158.
Bill S 187 (2011-2012)Summary date: Mar 2 2011 - View summary
Enacts new GS 160A-300.1A to make it unlawful to operate traffic control photographic systems in North Carolina. Makes a violation of the statute a Class 1 misdemeanor, with required forfeiture of the photographic system. Effective December 1, 2011, and applies to offenses committed on or after that date.
Makes conforming changes by repealing the following provisions: GS 160A-300.1; SL 2001-286; Sections 2, 3, 4, and 5 of SL 2003-380; Sections 3 and 4 of SL 2004-141, and Sections 17, 18 and 19 of SL 2010-132. Makes additional conforming changes to Section 6 of SL 2003-380 and Section 4 of SL 2005-117.