AN ACT TO IMPLEMENT VARIOUS EDUCATION REFORMS. Summarized in Daily Bulletin 4/20/11, 5/5/11, 6/12/12, and 6/14/12. Enacted June 26, 2012. Effective June 26, 2012.
Bill Summaries: S724 (2011-2012 Session)
Summary date: Jun 27 2012 - View summary
Bill S 724 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 14 2012 - View summary
House amendments make the following changes to 3rd edition.
Amendment # 1 amends GS 115C-105.41 to provide that if all the information required in a personal education plan (PEP) is included on a student’s report card, then no further PEP is required to be generated for that student.
Amendment #2 amends GS 115C-296(b), regarding teacher preparation programs and subsection (c1), regarding lateral entry teacher preparation programs, to include as a program standard ensuring that students preparing to teach and lateral entry teachers are prepared to integrate arts education across the curriculum.
Makes technical changes.
Bill S 724 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 12 2012 - View summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to 2nd edition.
Current law requires that the program of study for lateral entry teachers provided by the State Board of Community Colleges must meet standards set by the State Board of Education (SBE). Amends GS 115C-296(c1) to specify coursework, assessment, and preparation standards to be set by the SBE to ensure that programs for lateral entry teachers meet rigorous academic standards, remain current, and reflect a course of study that is aligned with state and national teacher education requirements.
Deletes the provision which calls for the lengthening of the school day and of the school year in certain schools.
Under current law, GS 115C-107.7(c) provides that a local education agency has a basis of knowledge of a child’s need for special education services based on a child’s behavior and performance prior to a behavior that necessitates a disciplinary action. GS 115C-107.7(c) is set to expire on June 1, 2013. Removes the sunset date for this provision.
Changes the reporting date for the State Board of Education’s study on graduation requirements for students who do not plan to engage in post-secondary education to March 15, 2013 (was, March 15, 2012).
Adds a section on statewide education initiatives. Directs the SBE to implement, by August 31, 2014, the statewide education reform initiatives described in the state’s successful Race to the Top application. Specifies the initiatives to be implemented. Directs the SBE to report its progress toward implementing the specified initiatives to the Joint Education Oversight Committee by September 15, 2012 and bi-annually thereafter through September 15, 2014. Provides that this section expires as of July 1, 2014 but permits the SBE to continue any initiatives identified in this section if it continues to receive funding for the initiatives. Renumbers the bill sections accordingly.
Bill S 724 (2011-2012)Summary date: May 5 2011 - View summary
Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Amends GS 115C-296(b) to make clarifying changes regarding teacher preparation requirements in reading and mathematics instruction and student technology-based assessment. Provides that it is the goal of the General Assembly to have a school year of at least 190 days for all students, available funds permitting. Adds a “whereas clause” regarding student achievement in other nations with longer school days and years. Makes a technical correction.
Bill S 724 (2011-2012)Summary date: Apr 20 2011 - View summary
Makes three amendments to existing public education law, states two uncodified goals of the General Assembly relating to public education, and directs the State Board of Education to conduct a study of high school graduation requirements. Specific provisions are as follows:
Amends GS 115C-296(b) to increase requirements for teacher preparation programs by requiring the State Board of Education (SBOE), in consultation with the UNC Board of Governors, to (1) increase the credit requirements and number of years required to complete a teacher preparation program, (2) require elementary education students to complete courses in teaching reading and mathematics that align with the SBOE’s approach for teaching these subjects, and (3) require that all education students receive training in educational technology tools that measure and predict expected student improvement.
Amends GS 115C-205.27(a) to require school improvement teams to use the Education Value Added Assessment System (EVAAS) or a comparable system approved by the SBOE to appropriately place students in courses such as Algebra I (current law does not specifically reference student placement in courses such as Algebra I).
Amends GS 115C-105.41 to require local boards of education to adopt and implement plans to successfully transition at-risk students from elementary to middle school and from middle to high school.
States an uncodified goal of the General Assembly to phase in longer school days and extended school calendars in the 25 high schools identified by the SBOE as having the highest dropout rates in the state (charter schools and alternative schools would be exempt). Extended school days and longer school calendar requirements would also apply to those elementary and middle schools that move students into the 25 high schools with the highest dropout rate. Extended days and calendar would be implemented for the 2013-14 school year subject to available funding.
States an uncodified goal of the General Assembly to provide preschool programs to all at-risk children.
Directs the SBOE to reconsider high school graduation requirements for students who do not plan to continue education beyond high school and report study results to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee by March 15, 2012.