Bill Summaries: S547 (2015-2016 Session)

  • Summary date: Apr 21 2015 - View summary

    Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition:

    Changes the long title.

    Deletes all of the provisions of the previous edition.

    Enacts new subsection GS 130A-317(g), concerning the submission and approval of public water system plans, providing that the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) must identify and notify water systems that appear capable of interconnectivity with other systems located in the same river basin which have unallocated capacity to expand and that interconnectivity would promote public health, protect the environment, or ensure compliance with established drinking water rules. Allows notified systems to discuss options for potential interconnectivity. Provides that the Local Government Commission must be copied on the notice and must assist the systems with questions regarding liabilities and alterations. Provides that an environmental impact statement or engineering report cannot be required.

    Appropriates $500,000 from the General Fund to the Regional Water Supply Planning Revolving Fund for the 2015-16 fiscal year. 

    Requires the Commission for Public Health to adopt rules to implement GS 130A-317, as amended.

  • Summary date: Mar 27 2015 - View summary

    Rewrites GS 130A-317(c) and (d) and GS 143-215.1(b)(4) and (f), as title indicates. Enacts new GS 143-215.1(b)(6) and (7) to provide that no permit for a new or expanded municipal or nonmunicipal human waste treatment system may be issued unless the applicant (1) has adopted a plan to implement a program to reduce demand and manage existing capacity by reducing or eliminating stormwater and groundwater infiltration and intrusion into collection lines, (2) submits an analysis of reasonable alternatives to the proposed new or expanded system that indicates that the proposed new or expanded system is appropriate, and (3) can demonstrate that the proposed new or expanded waste treatment facility will be designed and constructed to accommodate eventual interconnection with adjoining or regional systems located within the same subbasin as set out in GS 143-512.22G. Requires the Commission for Health Services and the Environmental Management Commission to adopt rules implementing the act by October 1, 2015.