Enacts Article 37 of GS Chapter 120, titled General Assembly Transparency Act. Sets outs legislative findings and defined terms. Requires all sessions of the Senate and House be broadcast live by streaming video over the Internet, archived, and available for replay by the public. Requires all official committee meetings be broadcast and archived in the same manner unless specifically identified as exempt in GS 143-218.18 from the requirements for meetings of public bodies set out in Article 33C, Chapter 143. Prohibits any bill from receiving a second or third reading in either chamber or being taken up for consideration by any committee unless the bill appeared on the calendar or agenda published by the principal clerk or committee clerk at least 24 hours in advance or two-thirds vote of the members of the house or committee present and voting waive the requirement. Prohibits either chamber, both chambers meeting jointly, and committees from holding session or official committee meetings before 7:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. unless two-thirds of members present and voting waive the requirement. Requires a bill's long title to adequately and fairly reflect its subject matter. Prohibits a public bill from containing more than one subject, with the exception of the budget, unless two-thirds of the members of a chamber present and voting approve by motion. Prohibits either chamber or both chambers meeting jointly from considering an amendment, a committee substitute, a conference report, or a conference committee substitute that is not germane to the long title of the bill's First Edition, unless waived by two-thirds of the members of the chamber present and voting. Prohibits a committee from considering an amendment of a committee substitute that is not germane to the long title of the bill's First Edition, unless waived by two-thirds of the members of the committee present and voting. Requires every special provision contained in the budget to indicate the member(s) who requested the provision. Defines the scope of the Article to include regular sessions and extra sessions of the General Assembly.
Bill Summaries: H341 (2019-2020 Session)
Bill H 341 (2019-2020)Summary date: Mar 12 2019 - View summary