Conference report makes the following changes to the 2nd edition.
Part I.
Places the act's previous content under Part I and makes the following changes.
Amends GS 143-52.1(e) by modifying the State Procurement Officer’s monthly report of contract awards to apply to contracts greater than the benchmark for delegated authority for state agencies established by the Division of Purchase and Contract pursuant to GS 143-53.1 (was, all contracts over $25,000). Deletes the previous changes and instead amends GS 143-53(a) to make identical change for Division of Purchase and Contract review of bid protests and requests for waiver of competition approval. Amends GS 143-53.1(a) limiting the delegated procurement benchmark to no greater than $100,000 and exempts UNC institutions and community colleges from this limit. Amends GS 143-57 to make conforming change to reporting requirement for emergency purchases.
Part II.
Enacts new GS 58-31-2 providing as follows. Exempts a privately owned or privately leased building that is on state land within the North Carolina Global TransPark from the application of Article 31 of GS Chapter 58 (Insuring State Property, Officials and Employees) if (1) the North Carolina Global TransPark Authority (Authority) requires the owner or lessee to obtain insurance adequate to cover fire loss to underlying and surrounding State owned real property; (2) the owner or lessee obtains and maintains adequate insurance naming the Authority and Department of Transportation as an additional insured for fire losses; and (3) the Authority discloses to the owner or lessee that the State will not reinsure that building and the building is exempt from the State Property Fire Insurance Fund coverage. Sets the minimum amount of insurance at $1 million per occurrence and $1 million aggregate per occurrence. Requires the Authority to give the Commissioner of Insurance 30 days notice that it is entering into or modifying a contract for which the exemption under this statute applies. Requires the Authority to consult with the Commissioner on the adequacy of insurance for fire losses during that period.
Amends GS 63A-24 by exempting the North Carolina Global TransPark Authority from the following: (1) Article 31 of GS Chapter 58 for buildings located on State land privately owned or privately leased that is located within the North Carolina Global TransPark, if the requirements of GS 58-31-2 are met; and (2) plan approvals by the Department of Administration for buildings, facilities, or projects located on state lands (1) privately owned or privately leased; and (2) located within the North Carolina Global TransPark.
Amends GS 143-139 which gives the Department of Administration, with respect to State buildings, general supervision of the administration and enforcement of all sections of the NC State Building Code related to plumbing, electrical systems, general building restrictions and regulations, heating and air, fire protection, and the construction of buildings generally. Exempts from this buildings, facilities, or projects on State lands within the North Carolina Global TransPark that are privately owned or privately leased. Makes conforming changes to GS 143-345.11 and to the Department's duties under GS 143-341.
Effective October 1, 2020, and applies to projects initiated or contracts entered into, renewed, or modified on or after that date.
Part III.
Transfers $1.8 million in nonrecurring funds from the Statewide Misdemeanant Confinement Fund to the Department of Public Safety (DPS), Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice (Division) for 2020-21 to develop and administer a Prison Software Management Pilot Program (program), to be implemented at Bertie Correctional Institution (BCI) and Pasquotank Correctional Institution (PCI), with operation by October 15, 2020.
States the program’s purpose. Allocates the transferred funds as follows. Allocates $600,000 for deployment of an inmate tracking system at BCI and PCI, and requires the Division to retain necessary vendors and a North Carolina-based service provider by August 15, 2020, subject to specified vendor requirements. Allocates (1) $250,000 for managing program implementation, ascertaining and planning for participating companies, development of performance metrics, and development of a plan to replace the existing system, and (2) $950,000 to retain necessary vendors. Requires the Division to retain any necessary vendors for the second and third allocations by September 15, 2020, consistent with specified vendor requirements. Requires the Division to report to the specified NCGA committee by January 8, 2021, on the status of the program, and a final report to the specified NCGA joint committee by April 1, 2021. Details required content of the final report. Effective July 1, 2020, and expires on July 1, 2022.
Part IV.
Amends GS 47C-3-102 to explicitly allow unit owners’ associations to impose reasonable charges in connection with the preparation of statements of unpaid assessment up to $150 per statement or request, and an additional expedite fee up to $50 if the request is made within 48 hours of closing. Requires furnishing of the statements of unpaid assessments within 10 business days of receipt of request (current law generally allows for imposing charges for preparation of statements of unpaid assessments). Makes conforming changes to GS 47C-3-118. Makes clarifying changes.
Makes identical changes to GS 47F-3-102 and GS 47F-3-118, regarding planned community owners' associations. Makes clarifying changes.
Part V.
Subject to HB 593 becoming law, amends Section 11.5 of HB 593 to clarify that the District Attorney can petition the court for judicial review of the sex offender registration requirement upon making a preliminary determination, and notifying the person and the sheriff, that an identified individual’s out-of-state or federal conviction is substantially similar to an NC offense that would have required registration as a sex offender at the time of the offense (previously, could have been interpreted as the District Attorney, a designee, or the Office). Effective August 1, 2020.
Part VI.
Enacts Article 8, Private Pools COVID-19 Limited Liability, to GS Chapter 99E, to provide limited civil liability for community pool owners and operators, and their agents, against any claims or actions seeking damages for injury or death resulting from transmission of COVID-19 alleged to have resulted from the reopening of the community pool in accordance with applicable gubernatorial executive orders. Defines community pool to mean a privately owned community swimming pool, including without limitation a swimming pool owned or operated by a multi-unit apartment complex, homeowners' association, or condominium unit owners' association. Restricts the scope to claims or actions arising within one year of expiration or rescission of Executive Order 116. Applies to claims arising on or after the date the act becomes law.
Makes conforming changes to the act's titles.
Bill Summaries: H635 (2019-2020 Session)
Bill H 635 (2019-2020)Summary date: Jun 25 2020 - View summaryBusiness and Commerce, Insurance, Courts/Judiciary, Civil, Civil Law, Criminal Justice, Corrections (Sentencing/Probation), Criminal Law and Procedure, Development, Land Use and Housing, Building and Construction, Property and Housing, Government, State Agencies, Department of Administration, State Government, State Property
Bill H 635 (2019-2020)Summary date: Jun 16 2020 - View summary
Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Deletes Section 4 of the bill which would have amended GS 146-27 to require written notice to the Joint Legislative Committee on Governmental Operations at least 30 days prior to disposition of State-owned real property with an appraised value of at least $25,000.
Makes conforming change to the act’s long title.
Renumbers remaining section accordingly.
Bill H 635 (2019-2020)Summary date: Apr 9 2019 - View summary
Amends GS 143-53 regarding rules the Secretary of Administration (Secretary) is authorized to adopt. Concerning review and protest of an awarded State contract, requires the Secretary to adopt rules or criteria governing the review of and decision on a protest on a contract in an amount less than the appropriate expenditure benchmark established under GS 143-53.1 (previously, a contract of less than $25,000) by the agency that awarded the contract. Makes conforming changes to require the Division of Purchase and Contract (Division) to review and decide a protest on a contract valued at an amount that exceeds the appropriate expenditure benchmark established under GS 143-53.1 (was, a contract valued at $25,000 or more). Adds that a waiver of competition for the purchase, rental, or lease of goods or services is subject to the Secretary's review if the expenditure exceeds the agency's benchmark established under GS 143-53.1 (was, if the expenditure exceeds $10,000).
Amends GS 143-57 regarding the purchase of articles in certain emergencies. Now requires the report on the circumstances of an emergency or need under the statute and the transactions made under the circumstances to be promptly made to the Division if the expenditure exceeds the benchmark established in GS 143-53.1 (was, if the expenditure exceeds $10,000).
Amends GS 143-57.1 regarding State furniture requirements contracts. Modifies the provisions concerning the required condition that awards be made to at least three qualified vendors unless not available, as provided, for each category of goods under each contract, to remove the requirement that a vendor be listed on the State's qualified products list to be a qualified vendor under the provision.
Amends GS 146-27 to require the Department of Administration to give written notice to the Legislative Commission on Governmental Affairs (Commission), rather than prior consultation with the Commission, when a proposed disposition of land owned by the State or by any State agency is a sale or gift of land with an appraised value of at least $25,000. Requires the notice to be given to the chairs of the Commission at least 30 days prior to the disposition. Applies to dispositions made on or after July 1, 2019.