Amends GS 143B-437.08 by establishing five enterprise tiers, in addition in development tiers, in which an enterprise tier one area is a county whose annual ranking is one of the 20 highest in the State; an enterprise tier two area is a county whose annual ranking is between 21 and 40 in the State; an enterprise tier three area is a county whose annual ranking is between 41 and 60 in the State; an enterprise tier four area is a county whose annual ranking is between 61 and 80 in the State; and an enterprise tier five area is a county that is not in a lower-numbered enterprise tier. Requires the Secretary of Commerce to identify all of the areas of eh state by development tier and enterprise tier.
Bill Summaries: S597 (2019-2020 Session)
Bill S 597 (2019-2020)Summary date: Apr 5 2019 - View summary