Provides that when the House of Representatives (House) and Senate adjourn the session convened on January 14, 2020, they stand adjourned to reconvene on April 28, 2020, at noon. Limits the matters that may be considered during the reconvened session to:
- bills concerning the State budget, or State or local pension or retirement systems, which must be submitted to the Legislative Drafting Division by May 1, 2020, and be introduced in the House or filed in the Senate by May 14, 2020;
- bills and resolutions implementing recommendations of specified legislative committees and commissions, including the General Statutes Commission, the Courts Commission, the House Ethics Committee, and the Joint Legislative Ethics Committee, which must be submitted to the Legislative Drafting Division by April 30, 2020, and introduced in the House or filed in the Senate by May 13, 2020;
- local bills submitted to the Legislative Drafting Division by May 5, 2020, and introduced in the House or filed in the Senate by May 19, 2020, that are accompanied by sponsor certification that the bill will not require a public hearing, is noncontroversial, and the bill is approved by all members whose districts are involved;
- bills providing for constitutional amendments or statutory amendments to implement proposed constitutional amendments;
- bills and resolutions introduced in 2019 that passed the crossover deadline and were not disposed of in the other house by tabling, unfavorable committee report, indefinite postponement, or failure to pass any reading and which do not violate the receiving house's rules;
- bills concerning legislative appointments, elections, or confirmation;
- bills concerning action on gubernatorial nominations or appointments;
- bills concerning any matter approved by two-thirds majority of those present and voting;
- joint resolutions authorizing the immediately preceding bills described;
- joint resolutions and simple resolutions authorized by Senate Rule 40.1 or House Rule 31;
- bills returned by the Governor with objections;
- bills responding to litigation challenging the legality of legislative enactments;
- bills related to election laws;
- bills to disapprove rules under GS 150B-21.3;
- bills providing for impeachment;
- bills revising or establishing districts for any elected federal, State, or local office; and
- a joint resolution further adjourning the 2019 Regular Session to a certain date, amending a joint resolution adjourning the 2019 Regular Session to a certain date; or adjourning the 2019 Regular Session sine die.
Allows the Speaker of the House and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate to authorize committees or subcommittees to meet during the interims between sessions to review State budget matters, prepare reports, or consider other matters as the Speaker and President Pro Tempore deem appropriate. Also authorizes conference committees to meet during the interim upon approval of either the Speaker or the President Pro Tempore.
Bill Summaries: S703 (2019-2020 Session)
Bill S 703 (2019-2020)Summary date: Jan 14 2020 - View summary