House committee substitute adds the following to the 1st edition.
Removes from the list of repair, maintenance, and installation services and service contracts exempt from sales and use tax under GS 105-164.13(61a), those for an aircraft with a gross take-off weight of more than 2,000 pounds, as such aircrafts are now included in the defined term qualified aircraft in GS 105-164.3, as amended by the act, which are exempt from sales and use tax by the same subdivision. Applies to sales occurring on or after July 1, 2022.
Changes the act's long title.
Bill Summaries: H1046 (2021)
Bill H 1046 (2021-2022)Summary date: Jun 7 2022 - View summary
Bill H 1046 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 25 2022 - View summary
Substantively identical to H 1002, filed 5/19/22.
Amends the definition of qualified aircraft in GS 105-164.3 as it applies in Article 5 of GS Chapter 105 (Sales and Use Tax) to include an aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of more than 2,000 pounds (was, maximum take-off weight of more than 9,000 but not exceeding 15,000 pounds). Applies to sales occurring on or after July 1, 2022.