Provides that when the House of Representatives and the Senate adjourn on Friday, July 15, 2022, they stand adjourned to reconvene on: (1) Friday, August 12, 2022, at noon until Tuesday, August 16, 2022; (2) on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, at noon until Thursday, September 15, 2022; (3) on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, at noon until Thursday, October 13, 2022; (4) Wednesday, November 9, 2022, at noon until Friday, November 11, 2022; (5) Thursday, December 8, 2022, at noon until Friday, December 9, 2022; and (6) on Thursday, December 15, 2022, at noon.
Limits the matters that may be considered during these reconvened sessions to: (1) bills vetoed by the Governor solely for the purpose of considering overriding of the veto upon reconsideration of the bill; (2) bills providing for the selection, appointment, or confirmation as required by law, including the filling of vacancies of positions for which the appointees were elected by the NCGA upon recommendation of the Speaker, President of the Senate, or President Pro Tempore; (3) bills providing for action on gubernatorial nominations or appointments; (4) bills concerning the districts for Congressional, State House, State Senate, judicial, municipal, county, and other elected officials and containing no other matters; (5) bills responding to actions related to litigation challenging the legality of legislative enactments, including litigation concerning the matters listed in subdivision (4) of this section, and containing no other matters; (6) any bills relating to election laws; (7) bills providing for impeachment pursuant to Article IV of the NC Constitution or GS Chapter 123; (8) adoption of conference reports for bills for which conferees had been appointed by both houses on or before Friday, July 1, 2022; (9) simple resolutions addressing organizational matters of each respective house; and (10) a joint resolution further adjourning the 2021 Regular Session, amending a joint resolution adjourning the 2021 Regular Session, or adjourning the 2021 Regular Session, sine die. During the session convening on December 15, also allows the consideration of bills implementing, in whole or in part, a Medicaid modernization plan submitted to the General Assembly by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Allows the Speaker of the House of Representatives or the President Pro Tempore of the Senate to authorize appropriate committees or subcommittees of their respective houses to meet during the interims between sessions to: (1) review matters related to the State budget for the 2021-23 fiscal biennium, (2) prepare reports, including revised budgets, or (3) consider any other matters as the Speaker of the House of Representatives or the President Pro Tempore of the Senate deems appropriate.
Bill Summaries: H1178 (2021)
Bill H 1178 (2021-2022)Summary date: Jun 30 2022 - View summary