Subject to voter approval at the general election in 2022, adds a new Section 39 in Article I of the North Carolina Constitution providing as follows. States that it is a matter of indisputable scientific fact that a distinct and separate human life begins at the moment of fertilization. Provides that new human life is recognized by the State as an individual person, entitled to the protection under the State's laws from the moment of fertilization until natural death. Requires any person willfully seeking to destroy the life of another person, by any means, at any stage of life, or succeeds in doing so, to be held accountable for attempted murder or for first degree murder, respectively. Specifies that any person has the right to defend his or her own life or the life of another person, even by the use of deadly force if necessary, from willful destruction by another. States that the State has an interest and a duty to defend innocent persons from willful destruction of their lives and to punish those who take the lives of persons, born or unborn, who have not committed any crime punishable by death. If approved, effective upon certification.
Bill Summaries: H158 (2021)
Bill H 158 (2021-2022)Summary date: Feb 24 2021 - View summary