House committee substitute amends the 1st edition as follows.
Further amends Parts 2 and 3, Article 13 of GS Chapter 143B to make conforming changes to reflect the establishment of the Division of Adult Correction and the Division of Juvenile Justice as separate divisions within the Department of Public Safety, specifically further amending GS 143B-705 under Part 2, and GS 143B-807, GS 143B-818, GS 143B-830 of Part 3. Makes a technical correction to a conforming change to the title of GS 143B-1155. Adds to the specified statutes amended to make conforming changes, adding statutes from the following GS Chapters: 7B, 14, 15A, and 20; and removing several previously statutes specified in the previous edition from the following GS Chapters: 15A, 122C, 148 and 164. Makes technical corrections to some statutes previously specified. Adds sections to make conforming changes to the following statutes: GS 15A-521; GS 15A-1301; GS 15A-1343; GS 15A-1343.2; GS 15A-1344; GS 17C-3; GS 126-5; GS 148-13 and GS 164-40.
Bill Summaries: H173 (2021)
Bill H 173 (2021-2022)Summary date: Mar 24 2021 - View summary
Bill H 173 (2021-2022)Summary date: Feb 25 2021 - View summary
Amends Article 13 of GS Chapter 143B as follows. Deletes Part 1A, which created the Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice within the Department of Public Safety (DPS). Amends Part 2, Subpart A to establish the Division of Adult Correction within DPS, with the power and duty to implement Part 2 (Adult Correction) as well as other powers and duties set forth in Article 13 and prescribed by the Secretary of the Department of Public Safety. Makes conforming changes throughout the Part to update the name of the Division, removing reference to Juvenile Justice. Amends Part 3 (Juvenile Justice Section), Subpart A to create a Juvenile Justice Division in DPS (replaces the Juvenile Justice Section of the Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice within DPS), with the organization, powers, and duties as set forth in the Article or as prescribed by the Secretary of the Department of Public Safety. Makes changes throughout the Part to replace reference to Section with Division and to replace the name of the Division with Division of Juvenile Justice. Also makes changes in the Part to conform with the renaming of the Division of Adult Correction. Amends GS 143B-1161 to provide that the Justice Reinvestment Council is an advisory body to the Secretary of the Department of Public Safety (was, to the Commission of Adult Correction).
Amends specified statutes throughout the following GS Chapters by making conforming changes, including updating the titles of the Divisions: 1, 7A, 7B, 14, 15, 15A, 15B, 17C, 20, 50, 65, 66, 105, 106, 108A, 114, 115C, 115D, 122C, 126, 127A, 130A, 131E, 135, 143, 143B, 146, 147, 148, 150B, 153A, 160A, 162, 163, and 164.
Appropriates $990,000 in recurring funds for the 2021-23 fiscal biennium from the General Fund to the Division of Juvenile Justice for seven FTE positions.
Effective July 1, 2021.