Amends GS 15A-534 to prohibit judicial officials from imposing a bond secured by a cash deposit as a condition of pretrial release pursuant to subdivision (a)(4) if no charge against the defendant is more severe than a Class 2 misdemeanor, unless the judicial official makes a written finding that the defendant will pose a danger to any person, will likely destroy evidence, or will likely fail to appear in court as required. Additionally, prohibits judicial officials from imposing a bond secured by cash as a condition of pretrial release pursuant to subdivision (a)(4) if the defendant is charged with only misdemeanor charges, unless the judicial official (1) has first considered whether the condition of unsecured bond pursuant to subdivision (a)(2) would be an appropriate condition, and recorded reasons for finding that condition would not be appropriate. Applies to conditions of pretrial release imposed on or after December 1, 2021.
Bill Summaries: H210 (2021)
Bill H 210 (2021-2022)Summary date: Mar 2 2021 - View summary