Bill Summaries: H332 (2021)
Bill H 332 (2021-2022)Summary date: Jun 30 2022 - View summary
Bill H 332 (2021-2022)Summary date: Jun 15 2022 - View summary
Senate committee substitute replaces the content of the 2nd edition with the following.
Amends the components of the State Nature and Historic Preserve (Preserve) set forth in GS 143-260.10 as follows.
Updates the descriptions of the Preserve's components to include the following as of June 7, 2022 (was, May 2, 2017): lands and waters within the boundaries of identified units of the State Parks System; all land and waters, as specified, within Umstead State Park, Morrow Mountain State Park, Crowders Mountain State Park, identified Historic Sites, Hanging Rock State Park, Jockey's Ridge State Park, Mount Jefferson State Park, Eno River State Park, Hemlock Bluffs State Natural Area, Lake James State Park, Lake Waccamaw State Park, Chumney Rock State Park, Gorges State Park, Carvers Creek State Park, and Mayo River State Park; lands owned by the State within New River State Park and the Mountains-to-Sea Trail; and State-owned land and waters within Lower Haw State Natural Area, Lumber River State Park, and Mitchells Millpond State Natural Area.
Revises the Preserve's components as follows. Adds Bob's Creek State Natural Area, Fonta Flora State Trail, Pisgah View State Park, Salmon Creek State Natural Area, South Mountains State Park, Stone Mountain State Park, Warwick Mill Bar State Natural Area, and Wilderness Gateway State Trail to the units within the State Parks System included in the Preserve; removes Carvers Creek State Park. Removes two described properties from and adds a new described property to those tracts excluded from the Crowders Mountain State Park component, deleting the property from the State Parks System and subjecting the property to existing limitations on the State's right to sell the property. Eliminates the inclusion of lands and waters within the boundaries of Stone Mountain State Park as a component of the Preserve, including the provision deleting the Park from the State Park System. Establishes exclusions for two described properties at Tryon Palace Historic Sites and Gardens from the Historic Sites included in the Preserve. Adds a new exclusion for described property within Hanging Rock State Park. Eliminates the inclusion of lands and waters within the boundaries of South Mountains State Park and its described exclusions and limitations on the State's right to sell the land, as the Park is now included entirely in the Preserve as a unit identified in the State Parks System component. Adds a new exclusion of described property within the Jockey's Ridge State Park from the Preserve. Adds a new exclusion of described property within Hemlock Bluffs State Natural Area from the Preserve, and adds that all exclusions listed for that Area are deleted from the State Parks System; limits the State's right to sell the tracts by only allowing the State to either exchange the land for other land to expand the Area or sell the land and use the proceeds to expand the Area (previously, a limitation only applicable to one of the described excluded tracts). Adds a new exclusion for described property within Lake Waccamaw State Park. Eliminates one described property excluded from the Chimney Rock State Park component and adds a new exclusion for described property within the Park, and limits the State's right to sell the land by only allowing the State to either exchange the land for other land to expand the Park or sell the land and use the proceeds to expand the Park. Changes the description of the land excluded from the Mountains-to-Sea Trail component. Adds a new exclusion for described property within Gorges State Park and makes the limitations on the State's right to sell the property for the existing exclusion also applicable to the new exclusion; deletes the properties from the State Parks System. Adds a new exclusion for described property within the Lower Haw State Natural Area and authorizes the State to grant an easement to Conterra Ultra Broadband across the tract to extend broadband services. Adds a new exclusion for the described property within Lumber River State Park and deletes the property from the State Parks System. Adds a new exclusion for the described property within the Mitchells Millpond State Natural Area, deletes the property from the State Parks System, and makes the limitations on the State's right to sell the property for the existing exclusion also applicable to the new exclusion. Makes technical changes.
Corrects internal cross-references in GS 143-260.8(d), relating to petitions by the Council of State or local governments to the NCGA to accept properties owned by the State or such local governments for inclusion in the Preserve.
Repeals the following statutes that remove described land in identified Parks from the Preserve: GS 143-260.10C (Hemlocks Bluff); GS 143-260.10G (Crowders Mountain State Park); GS 143-260.10H (Gorges State Park); GS 143-260.10I (Jockey's Ridge State Park); and GS 143-260.10J (Mitchell's Millpond State Park).
Changes the act's titles.
Bill H 332 (2021-2022)Summary date: Apr 21 2021 - View summary
House committee substitute amends the 1st edition as follows.
Modifies the added exceptions to the directives for the disposition net proceeds of the sale of State-owned lands under GS 146-30 regarding the net proceeds from the sale of land owned by or under the control of the Division of State Historic Sites and the Division of State History Museums in the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (DNCR) and the net proceeds from the sale of land owned by or under the control of the Division of Tryon Palace Historic Sites and Gardens in DNCR. Revises the language used to refer to real property rather than land. Revises the statutory cross-references used. Adds two further exceptions as follows. Directs the net proceeds derived from the sale of real property from the Bentonville Battlefield State Historic Site owned by or under the control of the Division of State Historic Sites to be deposited in the Bentonville Battle Fund, used in accordance with the statute. Directs the net proceeds derived from the sale of real property from the NC Transportation Museum owned by or under the control of DNCR to be deposited in the NC Transportation Museum Fund, used in accordance with the statute (previously, both the Bentonville Battlefield State Historic Site and the NC Transportation Museum were excluded from the new exception).
Adds the following content.
Makes conforming changes to GS 121-7.7 (governing the State Historic Sites and Museums Fund); GS 121-7.5 (governing the Bentonville Battlefield Fund); and GS 121-7.6 (governing the NC Transportation Museum Fund).
Amends GS 121-21.1, expanding the authorized uses of funds in the Tryon Palace Historic Sites and Gardens Fund (Fund) to include the operation and interpretation at Tryon Palace Historic Sites and Gardens. Expands the Fund makeup to include revenues derived from donations, gifts, devises, grants, and admission and fees collected at Tryon Palace Historic Sites and Gardens (was, entrance fee receipts only), as well as the net proceeds derived from the sale of real property pursuant to the new exception in GS 146-30(d)(12).
Amends GS 143-260.10 to exclude the described parcel at Tryon Palace Historic Sites and Gardens from the State Nature and Historic Preserve.
Changes the act's long title.
Bill H 332 (2021-2022)Summary date: Mar 17 2021 - View summary
Adds to the exceptions to the directives for the disposition net proceeds of the sale of State owned lands under GS 146-30. Directs that the net proceeds from the sale of land owned by or under the control of the Division of State Historic Sites and the Division of State History Museums in the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (DNCR) to be deposited in the State Historic Sites and Museums Fund and used in accordance with GS 121-7.7, which governs that Fund; excludes the Bentonville Battlefield State Historic Site or the NC Transportation Museum. Directs that the net proceeds from the sale of land owned by or under the control of the Division of Tryon Palace Historic Sites and Gardens in DNCR to be deposited in the Tryon Palace Historic Sites and Gardens Fund and used in accordance with GS 121-21.1, which governs that Fund.