Requires the Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) to issue: (1) one Elk Conservation License by auction; and (2) one Elk Conservation License by raffle. Specified the allowed hunting parameters under the Elk Conservation License. Requires the licensee to report the kill to the WRC. Specifies that an Elk Conservation License obtained by auction or raffle is nontransferable and may not be resold or reassigned. Requires the WRC to conduct a raffle for one Elk Conservation License. Requires the WRC to authorize a nonprofit wildlife conservation organization to conduct an auction for one Elk Conservation License and allows contracting with the nonprofit wildlife conservation organization to conduct the auction. Requires the nonprofit wildlife conservation organization to be the largest organization in the State dedicated to promoting hunting, fishing, and the outdoors to youth. Gives the nonprofit 40% of the proceeds of the auction, with remaining proceeds deposited in the Wildlife Fund and used for the conservation and management of elk. Allows WRC to retain the actual costs of administering the raffle, with remaining raffle proceeds deposited in the Wildlife Fund and for the conservation and management of elk.
Requires the WRC to adopt rules for the use of the Elk Conservation License, and to prescribe the method of making the report and the content of the report and to require positive identification of the carcass of the kill.
Requires WRC to report, by March 1, 2022, to the specified NCGA committee and division on the effectiveness of the auction and raffle programs, including how much money was raised, whether to continue the programs, and if so, legislative recommendations to improve the programs.
Bill Summaries: H460 (2021)
Bill H 460 (2021-2022)Summary date: Mar 30 2021 - View summary