House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Deletes the proposed changes to GS 60D-703 (Zoning districts) and instead provides that if a local government establishes conditional districts, the local government must not impose conditions or standards other than the following for permit approval if the development contains affordable housing units for families or individuals with incomes below 80% of area median income: (1) height, number of stories, and size of buildings and other structures; (2) the percentage of lots that may be occupied; (3) the size of yards, courts, and other open spaces; (4) the density of population; and (5) the location and use of buildings, structures, and land (previously only prohibited local governments from imposing harmony requirements or other subjective standards in districts where multifamily housing is allowed if the development includes affordable housing).
Bill Summaries: H712 (2021)
Bill H 712 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 11 2021 - View summary
Bill H 712 (2021-2022)Summary date: Apr 28 2021 - View summary
Amends GS 160D-703 (Zoning districts) to prohibit local governments from imposing harmony requirements or other subjective standards in districts where multifamily housing is allowed if the development includes affordable housing.