House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Deletes proposed new GS 20-156.1. Instead, amends GS 20-155 by adding that where two lanes of traffic merge into one, drivers must use both lanes until reaching the merging area, and, beginning with the driver in the right lane, alternate yielding the right-of-way until there is no longer a queue at the merging area. Makes conforming changes to the definition of zipper merge in GS 15C-215(b)(6) which requires the driver education curriculum to include instruction on the zipper merge.
Bill Summaries: H740 (2021)
Bill H 740 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 11 2021 - View summary
Bill H 740 (2021-2022)Summary date: Apr 28 2021 - View summary
Enacts GS 20-156.1 to mandate that a driver entering a defined merging area where two lanes of traffic of a highway merge into one operate the vehicle as to not block the flow of traffic in either lane, adjusting speed and position as required and with regard for the speed of others and highway conditions. Requires alternate yielding the right-of-way beginning with the right-most vehicle when vehicles in separate lanes approach a defined merging area at approximately the same time when reasonable distance prohibits safe merger. Applies to motor vehicle offenses charged on or after October 1, 2021.
Amends GS 20-88.1 to require the Division of Motor Vehicles to include a description of the zipper merge, as defined in GS 115C-215(b)(6), as enacted, in its driver license handbook which explains State traffic laws. Effective January 1, 2022.
Enacts GS 115C-215(b)(6) to require driver education curriculum to include instruction on the zipper merge, defined as drivers using both lanes of traffic until reaching the defined merge area, and alternate yielding the right-of-way into the single lane. Applies beginning with the 2022-23 school year.