House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Amends proposed GS 160D-913.1 to no longer make an exception for special use permits to the prohibition on applying the procedures of Article 6 (various development regulations) to a school.
Bill Summaries: H794 (2021)
Bill H 794 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 6 2021 - View summary
Bill H 794 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 3 2021 - View summary
Amends GS 160D-701 (purposes of zoning regulations) to require zoning regulations to provide schools are a permitted use in all zoning districts. Amends Article 9 of Chapter 160D of the General Statutes (local planning and development regulation – special uses and areas) to add GS 160D-913.1 requiring zoning regulations to provide that schools are a permitted use in all zoning districts, making schools exempt from development regulations in Article 6 of Chapter 160D (various development regulations), prohibiting zoning regulations that require schools to be contiguous to state maintained roads, and requiring schools to give 60 days' notice to the local government prior to beginning construction or renovation. Amends GS 160A-307.1 (limitation on improvement requirements related to schools) to make a technical change updating a reference to a repealed statute and amend the definition of the term “school,” to now mean any facility, including relocatable or modular units as either accessory or primary facilities, that is part of a public school unit, or part of any nonpublic school, which is referred to by GS 160D-913.1. Effective July 1, 2021, and applies to zoning applications pending or submitted on or after that date.