Amends GS 163-45 as follows. No longer provides a cap of two for observers designated by each political party in the county, or by an unaffiliated candidate or the candidate's campaign manager, to attend each voting place at each primary and election. Allows chairs of each political party in the county to designate 10 county at-large observers and chairs of each political party in the State to designate up to 100 State at-large observers. Eliminates the prohibition against two observers from the same party being in a voting enclosure at the same time. Defines the terms observer, precinct-specific observer, county at-large observer, and State at-large observer. Requires precinct-specific observers and county at-large observers to be registered voters of the county for which appointed (previously not required of county at-large observers, though county residency was required).
Now requires individuals authorized to appoint precinct-specific observers and county at-large observers to submit a signed, written list of observers to be appointed to the county board of elections prior to 10:00 a.m. on the fifth day prior to any primary or general election. Requires individuals authorized to appoint State at-large observers to submit a signed, written list of the observers to be appointed to the State Board of Elections by that same time. Requires the county board of elections (rather than the chair) to delivery a copy of each list of approved observers before the opening of the voting place on the day of the primary or general election to the chief judge for each affected precinct. Allows for amendment of the lists up until the opening of the voting place on the day of the primary or general election. Allows for county boards rather than the chair to reject appointees, in addition to chief judges at affected precincts. Provides conforming changes regarding designated observers at one-stop sites. Distinguishes at county at-large observers can serve at any site in the county, while State at-large voters can serve at any site in the State.
Now allows for up to two precinct-specific observers appointed from each political party, or an unaffiliated candidate, to be permitted in the voting enclosure at each voting place at the same time, as well as one either county or State at-large observer. Now allows for the appointing authority to opt to allow a precinct-specific observer to alternate with another precinct-specific observer, and a county or State at-large observer to alternate with another county or State at-large observer throughout the day of the primary or election as needed, so long as the each observer is on the list submitted by the authority. Regarding obtaining voter lists at scheduled times during election day, allows for the chair of a county political party or an unaffiliated candidate or the candidate's campaign manager to use a runner instead of having an observer receive the list. No longer requires the runner to be the precinct party chair or any person named by the precinct county party chair. Requires each appointing authority using runners to provide to the county board before 10:00 a.m. on the fifth day before election day a list of all runners to be used, and notify the county board of the names to be used in each precinct before the runner goes to the precinct (was notify the chair or the chair's designee).
Amends GS 163-166.7(c) and GS 163-227.6(a) to refer to observers rather than political party or party observers.
Applies to elections held on or after October 1, 2021.
Bill Summaries: H819 (2021)
Bill H 819 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 4 2021 - View summary