Amends GS 90-270.139 to provide that a licensed psychological associate (associate) must be supervised by a qualified licensed psychologist when engaged in psychology. Also amends the statute to provide that the associate is not subject to supervision and may engage in independent practice if the associate; (1) has 3,000 hours of post-graduate degree experience in the delivery of psychological services under the supervision of one or more qualified licensed psychologists within a time period of at least 24 consecutive months and less than 60 consecutive months; and (2) submits an application for independent practice with proof of the required supervised experience. Requires approving an associate to engage in independent practice if these requirements are met. Makes conforming changes to the statute. Makes conforming changes to GS 90-270.153. Effective October 1, 2021.
Bill Summaries: H881 (2021)
Bill H 881 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 6 2021 - View summary