Appropriates $20 million in additional recurring funds from the General Fund to the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina (UNC) for 10 fiscal years, beginning with the 2021-2022 fiscal year, to be allocated to (i) North Carolina Central University, (ii) North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University, (iii) Fayetteville State University, (iv) Winston-Salem State University, (v) Elizabeth City State University, and (vi) UNC-Pembroke, which may be used for faculty recruitment, scholarships, course development, and operational support.
Establishes the Historically Minority-Serving Institutions Board (Board) within the UNC System Office and establishes Board membership to include:
(1) Seven members appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, three who are legislators and four who attended or graduated from a minority serving institution within the UNC System,
(2) Seven members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, three who are legislators and four who attended or graduated from a minority serving institution within the UNC System, and
(3) Three members appointed by the Governor, including one who is designated as the chair and one who attended or graduated from a minority-serving institution within the UNC System.Directs the Board to study strategies and actions to increase rates of enrollment, retention, and graduation from historically minority serving institutions within the UNC System. Also directs the Board to study (i) disparities in funding formulas for minority serving institutions in the UNC System, with specific emphasis on educator preparation program funding, and (ii) the historical gap in funding for minority serving institutions within the UNC System.
Provides that the Board meets at the call of the chair, a quorum is nine members, and vacancies are filled by the appointing authority.
Directs the UNC System Office to provide meeting space, administrative support, and equipment/supplies for the Board.
Provides that Board members may receive appropriate per diem, subsistence, and travel allowances.
Directs the Board to submit preliminary findings to the UNC Board of Governors and the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee by December 15, 2022, and a final report by March 15, 2023. Provides the Board will terminate on the earlier of March 15, 2023, or filing of the Board’s final report.
Amends GS 116-209.62 [establishing the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program (Program)] by (i) allowing up to 10 (was, eight) institutions to participate in the Program and (ii) requiring at least one participating institution be a Historically Black College or University within the UNC System and at least one be a historically American Indian institution within the UNC System. Makes conforming changes.
Effective July 1, 2021, and amendments to GS 116-209.62 apply beginning with the 2022-2023 academic year.
Bill Summaries: H966 (2021)
Bill H 966 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 12 2021 - View summary