Senate committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes.
Eliminates the proposed changes to GS 90-12.7, adding an immunizing pharmacist and a clinical pharmacist practitioner to individuals who are authorized to prescribe an opioid antagonist.
Revises the additional authorities granted to immunizing pharmacists under GS 90-85.15B(c2) as follows. Replaces the ten categories of medications an immunizing pharmacist can prescribe and dispense, to now only list four: (1) FDA approved tobacco cessation medications; (2) oral hormonal contraceptives after the patient completes an assessment consistent with CDC eligibility criteria; (3) prenatal vitamins; and (4) controlled substances for the prevention of human immunodeficiency virus. Eliminates proposed subsection (e), which authorized an immunizing pharmacist to test or screen for and treat minor, nonchronic health conditions, with record requirements. Makes conforming organizational changes.
Makes the provisions of proposed subsection (b1) of GS 90-18.4, providing clinical pharmacists' authority to prescribe and dispense the four identified categories of medications as those provided for immunizing pharmacists in new subsection (c1) of GS 90-85.15B, as enacted.
Changes the directive to the NC Medical Board and the NC Board of Pharmacy joint subcommittee. Now directs the Boards' joint subcommittee to develop statewide written protocols and amend existing rules and protocols to provide and develop certification for clinical pharmacist practitioners and immunizing pharmacists that encompass the new authorized treatments and practices as authorized in the act (previously directed the joint subcommittee to (1) provide certification for clinical pharmacist practitioners and immunizing pharmacists that encompass the new authorized treatments and practices; (2) develop specified training related to minor, nonchronic health conditions; (3) create a list of minor, nonchronic health conditions eligible for screening, testing, and treatment by a clinical pharmacist practitioner or immunizing pharmacists; and (4) create a formulary of FDA approved medications to treat specific minor, nonchronic health conditions, excluding Schedule I-IV controlled substances identified by the NC Controlled Substances Act).
Makes technical changes to the act's effective date provisions; maintains the effective date of October 1, 2021.
Bill Summaries: S575 (2021)
Bill S 575 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 6 2021 - View summary
Bill S 575 (2021-2022)Summary date: Apr 7 2021 - View summary
Includes whereas clauses.
Adds an immunizing pharmacist and a clinical pharmacist practitioner to individuals who are authorized to prescribe an opioid antagonist (defined by the statute to require FDA approval) under GS 90-12.7, subject to manner prescribed by the statute.
Adds to the authorities granted to immunizing pharmacists under GS 90-85.15B as follows. Authorizes the administration of vaccinations approved by the FDA in accordance with the protocols established by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to persons at least six years old pursuant to a specific prescription order initiated by a prescriber following a physical exam of the patient by the prescriber (currently limited to administration of flu vaccines). Enacts new subsection (c2), listing ten categories of medications an immunizing pharmacist can prescribe and dispense, including naloxone or other opioid antagonist and their associated drug delivery paraphernalia, FDA approved tobacco cessation medications, epinephrine or other anaphylaxis management medication, hormonal contraceptives after the patient completes an assessment consistent with CDC eligibility criteria, and controlled substances for the prevention of human immunodeficiency virus. Enacts new subsection (f), conditioning the immunizing pharmacist's authority under new subsection (c2) upon the NC Medical Board and the NC Board of Pharmacy (Boards) having adopted jointly developed rules governing the approval of the individual immunizing pharmacist to administer, prescribe, and dispense the mediations with limitation determined by the Boards to be in the best interest of patient health and safety; the immunizing pharmacist's current approval from both Boards; and the immunizing pharmacist's assignment of an identification number by the NC Medical Board shown on written prescriptions written by the immunizing pharmacist.
Further amends GS 90-85.15B as follows. Makes the requirements for immunizing pharmacists applicable to the administration of vaccines or immunizations under subsection (d) applicable to prescribing and dispensing medications listed in new subsection (c2). Revises the recordkeeping requirement for vaccines and immunizations to now require the record be maintained for a period of five years. Regarding the requirement to provide a patient who does not identify a primary care provider (PCP) with information on the benefits of having a PCP, adds information about federally qualified health centers, free clinics, and local health departments prepared by the specified entities to the requirement. Adds new requirements including furnishing patient records to the patient upon request; furnishing patient records to the PCP identified by the patient upon request; and counseling the patient about contraceptive care upon administering or dispensing a hormonal contraceptive. Adds a new subsection (e), authorizing an immunizing pharmacist to test or screen for and treat minor, nonchronic health conditions, as specified. Requires maintaining a record of any vaccine or immunization administered to the patient for a period of five years; furnishing patient records to the patient upon request; and furnishing patient records to the PCP identified by the patient upon request.
Enacts new subsection (b1) and (b2) to GS 90-18.4, providing substantively identical provisions for clinical pharmacists' authority to prescribe and dispense 10 identified categories of medications as those provided for immunizing pharmacists in new subsection (c1) and (e) of GS 90-85.15B, as enacted.
Effective October 1, 2022.
Directs the Boards' joint subcommittee to develop statewide written protocols and amend existing rules and protocols to: (1) provide certification for clinical pharmacist practitioners and immunizing pharmacists that encompass the new authorized treatments and practices; (2) develop specified training related to minor, nonchronic health conditions; (3) create a list of minor, nonchronic health conditions eligible for screening, testing, and treatment by a clinical pharmacist practitioner or immunizing pharmacists; and (4) create a formulary of FDA approved medications to treat specific minor, nonchronic health conditions, excluding Schedule I-IV controlled substances identified by the NC Controlled Substances Act. Effective October 1, 2021.