Makes a local board of education that installs a solar energy system in a school facility that qualifies as a small power producer, eligible for purchased power rates and terms. Applies to any local board of education that installs a solar energy system on a school facility on or before the date this act becomes law, that has also by that date: (1) filed a report of proposed construction (ROPC) or Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) application for construction of the facility, as applicable; (2) submitted a completed interconnection request to the North Carolina Interconnection Procedures (NCIP); (3) certified as a Qualifying Facility with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), if greater than 1 MW; and (4) made a commitment to sell its output to an electric public utility in the State using the approved Notice of Commitment Form.
Bill Summaries: S606 (2021)
Bill S 606 (2021-2022)Summary date: Apr 7 2021 - View summary