Adopts procedures for nominating and electing members of the State Board of Community Colleges. Provides for the Senate Committee on Education/Higher Education to receive nominations from August 18, 2021, through 5:00 p.m. August 19, 2021, for two available positions for terms to expire June 30, 2027. Excludes from eligibility an individual who was nominated for election to the State Board of Community Colleges by a member of the House of Representatives during the 2021 Session. Requires nominees nominated pursuant to the nominating procedures specified to file a completed Ethics Statement of Economic Interest by 5:00 p.m. August 19, 2021. Requires the Senate Committee to list and screen all nominees at the close of the nomination period, as specified, and hold a vote to ensure no more than twice the number of nominees for the total seats open are listed and verify that those nominees would serve if elected. Provides election procedures for instances in which the number of total nominees placed before the Senate equals the total number of seats open, which requires the Senate to vote on the nominees no later than August 31, 2021, by voting on a simple resolution. Alternatively, provides election procedures for instances in which the number of nominees exceeds the total seats open, which requires members to vote by ballot for as many nominees as there are positions to be filled, with the election required to be held no later than August 31, 2021. Requires nominees chosen by ballot to receive a majority vote. Sets forth further election requirements, and requires notification to the State Board of Community Colleges.
Bill Summaries: S734 (2021)
Bill S 734 (2021-2022)Summary date: Aug 16 2021 - View summary