Amends SL 2021-180, Section 5.9(h), concerning the Transportation Infrastructure Resiliency Fund Grant Program (Program), as follows. Expands upon the entities that may apply for funding to also include metropolitan planning organizations, rural planning organizations, and councils of governments. Prohibits an individual grant from accounting for more than 10% of the available funds, or 20% of the total available funds for awards of regional significance, defined to mean a transportation project serving regional transportation needs, including access to and from specified regions. Amends the allowable uses of the Fund: (1) to include projects that update and prepare transportation infrastructure for rock slides; (2) require applicants for projects that update and prepare transportation infrastructure for storms, mudslides, rock slides, and flood events, to allow applicants to incorporate into the project design forward-looking data or modeling that incorporates future weather event occurrence and severity, additional elevation of the project above base-flood elevation or the required regulatory flood plain elevation, and whether the location of the project is in or adjacent to a floodplain; (3) to no longer allow funds to be used for risk assessment for critical transportation routes, building on existing and future reports; and (4) so that funds can be used as a part of a nonfederal match when incorporating flood resilience into federally funded transportation infrastructure projects.
Appropriates $5 million from the State Emergency Response and Disaster Relief Reserve to the Transportation Infrastructure Resiliency Fund, to be administered by the Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management, for purposes consistent with Section 5.9(h) of SL 2021-180, as amended above. Makes the reporting requirements of SL 2021-180 applicable to these funds.
Effective July 1, 2023.
Bill Summaries: H313 (2023-2024 Session)
Bill H 313 (2023-2024)Summary date: Mar 8 2023 - View summary