Senate committee substitute replaces the content of the 1st edition with AN ACT TO MODIFY THE CURRENT OPERATIONS APPROPRIATIONS ACT OF 2023 AND TO MAKE OTHER CHANGES IN THE BUDGET OPERATIONS OF THE STATE. We will not be including a summary of the Appropriations Act. For the content of the bill, please follow the View NCGA Bill Details link.
Bill Summaries: H317 (2023-2024 Session)
Bill H 317 (2023-2024)Summary date: Jun 20 2024 - View summaryAgriculture, Business and Commerce, Insurance, Courts/Judiciary, Development, Land Use and Housing, Property and Housing, Education, Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Education, Higher Education, Environment, Environment/Natural Resources, Government, Budget/Appropriations, Elections, General Assembly, Public Safety and Emergency Management, State Agencies, Community Colleges System Office, UNC System, Department of Insurance, Department of Public Instruction, Department of Public Safety, Department of State Treasurer, Department of Transportation, Office of State Auditor, Office of State Budget and Management, Office of State Controller, Secretary of State, State Government, Executive, Health and Human Services, Health, Health Insurance, Social Services, Child Welfare, Public Assistance, Military and Veteran's Affairs
Bill H 317 (2023-2024)Summary date: Mar 8 2023 - View summary
Substantively identical to S 195, filed 3/2/23.
Part I
Amends GS 126-5(c1)(9a) to add employees of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NCATSU) employed in county operations to the list of employees exempt from the State Human Resources Act (SHRA). Makes conforming change to GS 153A-439(b) (pertaining to personnel rules for certain employees exempt from the SHRA) to add reference to policies adopted by NCATSU.
Part II
Makes technical changes to GS 116-41.13 (pertaining to distinguished professors endowment trust fund). Expands the scope of special needs institutions included in GS 116-41.13A, applicable to the Distinguished Professors Endowment Fund, by adding the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics to the list of covered institutions.
Part III
Expands the scope of GS 126-5(c1)(8) (pertaining to certain professional staff exempt from SHRA) to add pilots and all other employees of UNC (list already includes instructional and research staff, finance professionals, business office professionals, auditor professionals, information technology professionals, physicians, and dentists) who are exempt from the minimum wage and overtime compensation provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to the exemption. Authorizes the Board of Governors to establish positions under the exemption without further review or approval by any other State agency. Effective July 1, 2023.
Amends GS 126-1.1 to provide UNC employees exempt from FLSA’s minimum wage and overtime requirements who attained career status before July 1, 2023, the option of either (1) continuing employment with career State employee status if the employee remains in the position the employee occupied on June 30, 2023, or (2) waiving career State employee status and continuing employment as an exempt employee under the SHRA. Requires the University to provide each affected employee with a written explanation of the impact of an election to waive career State employee status. Specifies acknowledgement requirements for employee’s election to waive State career employee status. Makes technical changes.