Amends GS 143-151.12 to give the North Carolina Code Officials Qualification Board (Board) the power to certify persons as being qualified under the provisions of this Article to be State Building Code Permit Technicians. Enacts new GS 143-151.22 requiring the Board to develop a State Building Code Permit Technician certification program and State Building Code Permit Technician Certificate. Requires passing an exam, made up of specified topics, to obtain a certificate. Allows the Board to establish professional development requirements for State Building Code Permit Technicians as a condition of certificate renewal. Requires certificate holders to present evidence to the Board at each certificate renewal that during the 12 months before the certificate expiration date, the certificate holder has completed the required number of credit hours in Board-approved courses. Requires certificates to be renewed annually. Requires the Board to establish a fee schedule for initial certification and renewal certification, with an application fee of no more than $20 and a fee of no more than $10 for the issuance of a renewal certification. Allows a $4 late renewal fee. Allows granting a certificate without taking the exam to a person with a Building Inspector standard certificate issued by the Board and who is in good standing. Allows the Board to grant a certificate to a person who does not take the exam if at the time of application the person is similarly certified as a permit technician in good standing by a similar board of another jurisdiction or certified as a permit technician in good standing by the International Code Council. Specifies that such a certificate expires after one year unless, within that time period, the holder completes a short course.
Effective July 1, 2023.
Bill Summaries: H320 (2023-2024 Session)
Bill H 320 (2023-2024)Summary date: Mar 8 2023 - View summary