Empowers Carolina Beach to make, adopt, and enforce ordinances within the municipal limits as to: (1) require properties adjacent to waters of the State to construct levees, revetments, bulkheads, or other similar structures to retain or stabilize the shoreline when the construction is necessary to protect property and public infrastructure from damages resulting from wave action, tidal fluctuation, tidal incursion, erosion, nuisance tidal flooding, and sea level rise; (2) provide standards for the construction, replacement, reconstruction, and maintenance of bulkheads, levees, revetments, or other similar structures erected for the purposes of controlling flooding and preventing the infiltration or runoff of sediment into waters of the State; and (3) provide for the enforcement of ordinances adopted under the authority of this act in accordance with GS 160A-175. Specifies that if there is a conflict between local ordinance adopted under this act and the rules or regulations of the Department of Environmental Quality, the US Army Corps of Engineers, or the federal Office for Coastal Management, then the State or federal rule or regulation supersede and prevail over the local ordinance to the extent of the conflict. Gives Carolina Beach duly sworn law enforcement officers authority to enforce any local ordinances adopted under this act.
Bill Summaries: H435 (2023-2024 Session)
Bill H 435 (2023-2024)Summary date: Mar 22 2023 - View summary