Enacts new Article 17A (Healthy Schools) in GS Chapter 115C, including legislative findings regarding the hazards of indoor air pollutants such as cleaners and deodorizers. Under new GS 115C-267.2, all public schools are required to establish a green cleaning policy and use environmentally sensitive cleaning products under the guidelines from new GS 115C-267.3 if it is economically feasible, meaning that it does not result in an increase in the cleaning costs for the school. Provides a procedure where a school must notify the Department of Public Instruction if it is not economically feasible to adopt a green cleaning policy. New GS 115C-267.3 requires the Department of Public Instruction to coordinate with the Department of Health and Human Services and stakeholders to produce guidelines and specifications for environmentally sensitive cleaning products for use in schools, and to update the guidelines and specifications annually. Requires the Department of Public Instruction to distribute a copy of the guidelines and specifications to each public school and non-public schools with 50 or more students.
Makes Article 17A applicable to various public school units by amending GS 115C-47 to make it applicable to local school boards, GS 115C-218.75 to charter schools, GS 115C-238.66 to regional schools, and GS 116-11 to the North Carolina School of Science and Math. Adopts new GS 115C-566.5, encouraging non-public schools with 50 or more students to adopt a green cleaning policy consistent with Article 17A.
Permits schools to deplete their existing cleaning and maintenance supply stocks before implementing the requirements of Article 17A.
Requires the Department of Public Instruction to establish initial guidelines and specifications based on existing research within 180 days of the effective date of the act.
Does not appropriate funds and specifies that no State funds are required to implement Article 17A.
Effective when it becomes law and applicable to the 2023-24 school year.
Bill Summaries: H675 (2023-2024 Session)
Bill H 675 (2023-2024)Summary date: Apr 18 2023 - View summary