Enacts GS 53C-6-21, barring banks from refusing or from refusing to continue to provide financial services to, or terminating existing financial services with, or otherwise discriminating in providing financial services, solely based on a person's political affiliation or any value-based or impact-based criteria, including social credit scores or environmental, social, and governance credit factors. Permits offering investments, products, or services to potential customers or investors based on subjective standards when such standards are fully disclosed and explained prior to contracting and the bank obtains a signed attestation of the required disclosure and explanation. Specifies that the statute does not limit a bank's ability to discontinue or refuse business with a person when necessary for the safety of its employees. Allows for persons to bring a civil action against a violating bank, with violators subject to a $10,000 penalty and up to treble that amount for willful violations.
Enacts GS 54-109.23, GS 54B-79, and GS 54C-181 to include credit unions, State associations, and State savings banks within the scope of new GS 53C-6-21.
Applies to acts or omissions occurring on or after the date the act becomes law.
Bill Summaries: H784 (2023-2024 Session)
Bill H 784 (2023-2024)Summary date: Apr 20 2023 - View summary