Adopts the 2021 Senate permanent rules as the 2023 permanent rules with the following exceptions:
Amends Rule 34 by adding a new section (c), which authorizes the Vice-Chair of the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate to exercise any authority of the Chair of that committee under the following circumstances: when the Chair is absent or the Chair directs that the Vice-Chair is authorized to do so.
Amends Rule 40 as follows. Updates the provision governing what bills can be filed during the organizational session by updating the date of the 2023 session.
Co-sponsorship. Changes section (b) to extend the deadline for a Senator to electronically co-sponsor a filed bill or resolution from one hour following the adjournment of the bill’s or resolution’s first reading/referral to no later than 5:00 P.M. on the next legislative day after the adjournment of the bill’s or resolution’s first reading/referral. The Senator must still follow the procedures set forth by the Principal Clerk to electronically designate themselves as a bill/resolution co-sponsor.
Local bills. Changes section (c) to permit introduction of local bills without substantive provisions during even and odd years as follows. Allows Senators to introduce one local bill without substantive provisions in an odd-numbered year. During even years, a Senator can introduce one local bill without substantive provisions only if the bill is otherwise eligible, and: either the member did not introduce such a bill in an odd year or the member did introduce such a bill in an odd year, but no substantive provisions were added to the bill.
Amends Rule 40.1 to limit the filing of resolutions that memorialize, celebrate, commend, or commemorate persons or events of significance only to resolutions that relate to a deceased former member of the General Assembly. Removes language authorizing Senators to file resolutions concerning other individuals or events of significance upon presentation of that resolution to the Chair of the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate and either receiving the Chair’s approval or the approval of the full committee. Senators are now directed to use Senatorial Statements to recognize other individuals or events of significance.
Amends Rule 40.2 by establishing the following bill-filing deadlines. Requires local bills to be submitted to either the Legislative Drafting Division or the Legislative Analysis Division of the Legislative Services Office by 4:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 23, 2023, and to be filed for introduction before 4:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 9, 2023. Requires public bills and resolutions, except those granted under one of the eight exceptions under the rule, to be submitted to either the Legislative Drafting Division or the Legislative Analysis Division of the Legislative Services Office by 4:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 9, 2023, and to be filed for introduction in the Senate before 4:00 P.M. on Tuesday, April 4, 2023.
Amends Rule 41 by setting the crossover deadline as Thursday, May 4, 2023.
Amends section (c) of Rule 45.1 to remove language allowing for committee substitutes distributed to committee members after 6:00 P.M. the day before the committee meeting to be heard during that committee session if a majority of the committee members present and voting agree to take up the measure. The new language allows such committee substitutes to only be heard during the noted committee session if the Chair of the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate gives prior approval to take up and vote on the committee substitute. The provision directing committee substitutes distributed after 6:00 P.M. the day before the committee meets to carry over to the next day is unchanged.
Amends Rule 60 to change the eligibility age requirements for Senate pages from 15 years of age or in the ninth grade at time of service to being in the tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade at the time of service.
Amends Rule 71 to remove the requirement that visitors to the Senate delivering materials to members obtain approval from the principal clerk. Adds language requiring that materials circulated to Senate members anywhere in the Legislative Building or Legislative Office Building bear the name of the originator.
Makes additional technical and clarifying changes.
Makes language gender-neutral.
Bill Summaries: S1 (2023-2024 Session)
Bill S 1 (2023-2024)Summary date: Jan 11 2023 - View summary