Bill Summaries: S332 (2023-2024 Session)

  • Summary date: Jul 9 2024 - View summary

    AN ACT TO MAKE CHANGES TO THE CURRENT OPERATIONS APPROPRIATIONS ACT OF 2023. SL 2024-39. Enacted July 8, 2024. Effective July 1, 2024.

  • Summary date: Jun 26 2024 - View summary

    House amendment to the 3rd edition adds the following.

    Section 1.7A

    Appropriates any receipts required to be used to pay legislatively mandated salary increases and employee benefits increases provided in the act up to the actual amount received for the 2024-25 fiscal year.

    Section 1.7B

    Amends Section 7A.4 of the Appropriations Act of 2023, SL 2023-134, which provides for the allocation of funds by the State Board of Education (State Board) to eligible local school administrative units to provide salary supplements to teachers and qualifying school administrators in those units. Modifies the definition of supplant factor to distinguish the term as applicable to the 2024-25 fiscal year from the existing calculation applicable to the fiscal biennium. Defines the term for the 2024-25 fiscal year to mean the lesser of (1) the total non-State funds expended for salary supplements for teachers in the 2020-21 fiscal year divided by the total State and non-State funds expended for salaries for teachers in the 2020-21 fiscal year (the calculation used for the 2023-24 fiscal year), or (2) the total non-State funds expended for salary supplements for teachers in the 2021-22 fiscal year divided by the total State and non-State funds expended for salaries for teachers in the 2021-22 fiscal year. Regarding nonsupplant enforcement for the 2024-25 fiscal year, requires the State Board to continue to allocate funds to a unit determined to have supplanted non-State funds in violation of the section's provisions if the unit can show that it has remedied the deficiency in funding. Alternatively requires the State Board to not allocate any funds under the section to the unit if the unit cannot show that it has remedied the deficiency (previously, required the State Board to not allocate any funds to the unit and provided for no opportunity to remedy the deficiency).

  • Summary date: Jun 26 2024 - View summary

    House committee substitute to the 2nd edition removes the content of the previous edition and replaces it with the following.

    Section 1.1

    Sets a monthly teacher salary schedule for "A" teachers for 2024-25 for licensed public school personnel classified as teachers, based on years of experience, ranging from $4,100 for teachers with 0 years of experience to $5,595 for 25 or more years of experience. Provides for a 12% salary supplement for licensed teachers who have National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification; a 10% salary supplement for licensed teachers classified as "M" teachers; a $126 salary supplement for licensed teachers with licensure based on academic preparation at the six-year degree level, in addition to the "M" teachers salary supplement; a $253 salary supplement for licensed teachers with licensure based on academic preparation at the doctoral degree level, in addition to the "M" teachers salary supplement; a 10% salary supplement for certified school nurses; and a $100 salary supplement for school counselors who are licensed as counselors at the master’s degree level or higher.

    Requires that the first step of the salary schedule for school psychologists, school speech pathologists licensed at the master's degree level or higher, and school audiologists licensed at the master's degree level or higher must be equivalent to the sixth step of the "A" salary schedule. Provides for a 10% and $350 salary supplement. Deems these employees eligible to receive salary supplements equivalent to those of teachers for academic preparation at the six-year degree level or the doctoral degree level. Requires that the twenty-sixth step of the salary schedule for school psychologists, school speech pathologists licensed at the master's degree level or higher, and school audiologists licensed at the master's degree level or higher must be 7.5% higher than the salary received by these same employees on the twenty-fifth step of the salary schedule. Provides that in lieu of the amounts of annual longevity payments to teachers paid on the teacher salary schedule, beginning with the 2014-15 fiscal year, the amounts of those longevity payments are included in the monthly amounts under the teacher salary schedule.

    Details teacher compensation for the 2024-25 school year based on either (1) the applicable salary schedule; (2) the sum of the salary the teacher received in 2013-14, longevity pay for the 2013-14 school year, and annual bonus provided in SL 2014-100; or (3) for those not eligible for longevity in 2013-14, the sum of the salary and annual bonus the teacher received in 2014-15 school year, with the compensation amount determined to be equal to the greater of those amounts. Provides that "teacher" includes instructional support personnel.

    Section 1.2

    Sets an annual principal salary schedule, applicable to the 2024-25 fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024. Sets out the schedule based on average daily membership (ADM) with amounts increasing from the base amount for meeting and then for exceeding growth; sets out provisions for determining which category to use. Amounts range from $77,792 for an ADM of 0-200 base salary to $116,687 for an ADM of 1,601 or more that exceeds growth. Sets out provisions governing placement on the salary scale. Provides that in lieu of the amounts of annual longevity payments, beginning with the 2017-18 fiscal year, the amounts of those longevity payments are included in the salary. Details principal compensation for the applicable school year based on (1) the applicable salary schedule, (2) the sum of the salary received in 2016-17 and longevity pay for the 2016-17 school year, or (3) the salary received in 2016-17 if not eligible for longevity at that time.

    Section 1.3

    Requires the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to administer a bonus in the 2024-25 fiscal year to any principal who supervised a school as a principal for a majority of the previous school year if that school was in the top 50% of school growth in the State during the previous school year. Sets out the amount of the bonus, ranging from $15,000 for those with a statewide growth percentage in the top 5%, down to $1,000 for those with a statewide growth percentage in the top 50%. States the NCGA’s intent that funds provided pursuant to this section will supplement principal compensation and not supplant local funds. Requires the bonus to be paid by October 31, 2024, to qualifying principals employed as of October 1, 2024.

    Section 1.4

    Provides that for 2024-25, beginning July 1, 2024, assistant principals are to receive a monthly salary based on the "A" teacher salary schedule plus 19%, with placement based on total years the assistant principal has spent as a certified employee. Requires assistant principals with certification based on academic preparation at the six-year degree level to be paid a salary supplement of $126 per month, and at the doctoral degree level to be paid a salary supplement of $253 per month. Provides for a 10-month stipend for participants in an approved full-time master's in-school administration program. Details limitations and required certification. Provides that in lieu of the amounts of annual longevity payments to assistant principals paid on the assistant principal salary schedule, beginning with the 2017-18 fiscal year, the amounts of those longevity payments are included in the monthly amounts provided to assistant principals pursuant to the act. Requires assistant principals paid under the salary schedule provided for the 2024-25 fiscal year to receive the greater amount of (1) the applicable amount provided in the salary schedule by the act, (2) the salary the assistant principal received in the 2016-17 school year under Sections 9.1 or 9.2 of SL 2016-94 plus the longevity that would have been received, or (3) the salary received in 2016-17 if not eligible for longevity at that time.

    Section 1.5

    Sets out the monthly salary maximums for superintendents, assistant superintendents, associate superintendents, directors/coordinators, supervisors, and finance officers for 2024-25, beginning July 1, 2024. Specifies that longevity pay for superintendents, assistant superintendents, associate superintendents, directors/coordinators, supervisors, and finance officers is as provided for State employees under the North Carolina Human Resources Act. Provides a salary supplement of $126 for superintendents, assistant superintendents, associate superintendents, directors/coordinators, supervisors, and finance officers who have certification based on a six-year degree level. Provides a salary supplement of $253 per month those with certification based on a doctoral degree. Directs the State Board of Education to prevent local school administrative units from transferring State funds from other funding categories to salaries for central office administrators.

    Section 1.6

    Increases salaries for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2024, for noncertified public school employees whose salaries are supported from State funds as follows: (1) by 3% for permanent, full-time employees on a 12-month contract, and (2) for the following employees, by an equitable amount based on the amount specified above: a. permanent, full-time employees on a contract for fewer than 12 months, b. permanent, part-time employees, and c. temporary and permanent hourly employees.

    Section 1.7

    Requires that for the 2024-25 fiscal year, employees of schools operated by the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Public Safety, the Department of Adult Correction, and the State Board of Education who are paid on the Teacher Salary Schedule must be paid as authorized under this act.

    Section 1.8

    Effective July 1, 2024.

    Makes conforming changes to the act's titles.

  • Summary date: Apr 25 2023 - View summary

    Senate committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Amends GS 58-45-41 to decrease the cap on insurance for commercial property from $5 million to $4 million. Removes proposed changes which, starting on June 1, 2024, would have provided that the monetary limits on habitational property and commercial property are removed from GS 58-45-41, and instead the maximum insurance coverage for both types of properties would have been set at a figure recommended by the North Carolina Insurance Underwriting Association and approved by the Insurance Commissioner. 

  • Summary date: Mar 20 2023 - View summary

    Amends GS 58-45-41 (pertaining to coverage limits for beach plan policies) as follows. Effective June 1, 2023, and applicable to contracts issued, amended, or renewed on or after June 1, 2023 until May 31, 2024, the maximum insurance coverage for the reasonable value of the building on a habitational property increases from $750,000 to $1 million. For commercial properties, the value increases from $3 million to $5 million on any freestanding structure or any building unit within multiple firewall divisions, with the aggregate limit on commercial structures with multiple firewall divisions increasing from $6 million to $10 million on all interest at one risk.

    Starting on June 1, 2024, the monetary limits on habitational property and commercial property are removed from GS 58-45-41. Instead, the maximum insurance coverage for both types of properties will be set at a figure recommended by the North Carolina Insurance Underwriting Association and approved by the Insurance Commissioner.  The aggregate limit of $10 million for commercial properties on any building unit within multiple firewall divisions remains. Applies to contracts issued, amended or renewed on or after June 1, 2024.