Amends GS 108A-25.2 to allow individuals who are eligible to participate in the Work First Program or the food and nutrition services program to be exempt from the specified provisions of federal law that would make that person ineligible for these types of assistance and prohibits a person from being denied assistance from either program solely because the individual has been convicted of a drug-related felony or felonies so long as the person has met one of the following conditions: (1) if in custody, the person is eligible immediately upon release if they can demonstrate successful completion of a substance abuse treatment program while in custody or continuous active participation in a required substance abuse treatment program determined appropriate by the area mental health authority or (2) if not in custody, immediately after the date of conviction if they can demonstrate successful completion of or continuous active participation in a required substance abuse treatment program determined appropriate by the area mental health authority. (Currently exemption is only available to individuals convicted of Class H or Class I controlled substance felonies, no option to complete a substance abuse program while in custody, and there is a six-month wait time after either release from custody or date of conviction if not in custody for eligibility).
Makes conforming changes to the section title. Effective January 1, 2024.
Bill Summaries: S730 (2023-2024 Session)
Bill S 730 (2023-2024)Summary date: Apr 10 2023 - View summary