Requires the Department of Transportation (DOT) in GS 136-19.4A to survey and install new right-of-way and permanent easement corner markers, including at all property boundary intersections along right-of-way or permanent easements acquired by DOT, utilizing metal stakes, or materials of comparable permanence, along right-of-way or permanent easements acquired by DOT in accordance with general surveying standards and procedures after the completion of a project for which right-of-way or permanent easements were acquired. Makes conforming changes, including to section title. Makes organizational and clarifying changes. Applies to DOT projects initiated on or after the act becomes law that require right-of-way or permanent easement acquisition.
Bill Summaries: H295 (2025-2026 Session)
Bill H 295 (2025-2026)Summary date: Mar 5 2025 - View summary