Bill Summaries: H469 (2025-2026 Session)

  • Summary date: Mar 20 2025 - View summary

    Includes whereas clauses.

    Enacts GS 116-40.14, stating the legislative purpose of the act is to ensure that UNC high-enrollment constituent institutions (NC State and UNC-Chapel Hill) regularly compete against one another in eligible sports, defined as football, men's and women's basketball, baseball, and softball. Sets forth other defined terms. Defines high-enrollment institution. Requires each academic year for all eligible sports, a high-enrollment institution: (1) play at least one home or away game each academic year against another high-enrollment institution for football, men’s basketball, and women’s basketball and (2) play a series of at least three home games or three away games against another high-enrollment institution for baseball and softball. Applies beginning with the 2026-27 academic year.