Bill Summaries: S294 (2025-2026 Session)

  • Summary date: Mar 13 2025 - View summary

    Identical to H 178, filed 2/24/25.

    Codifies four rules for each house of the General Assembly to comply with prior to either calendaring a vote on a second reading of each house’s Current Operations Appropriations Act (Act) or the adoption of a conference report that includes a committee substitute for the Act in new GS 143C-5-1A. Requires public notice of at least one week for public comments (during which public comments are submitted virtually and also in person during at least one public hearing) on the Act, at least three nonvoting committee meetings for consideration and debate on the Act during the notice period, and requires providing the budget bill and committee report to legislators at least five days before any budget adoption votes. Specifies that the rules are to be considered procedural rules of each house of the General Assembly unless either house otherwise provides.

    Enacts new GS 120-133.5, removing confidentiality provisions for any documents received from State agencies and from individual legislators to legislative employees or to other legislators documenting requests for provisions or funding in the Act so that they are public records when the Act becomes law.